MAX ATVs President Galen Reich Participates in WNYATVA Club “Spring Egg Hunt” event held Saturday, May 15

Thursday, May 19th, 2022 –  MAX ATVs company President Galen Reich has been an active member of the WNYATVA (Western New York ATV Association) for many years during his continuous tenure in management at MAX ATVs since 1993. WNYATVA is a western New York based amphibious ATV club that was established in 1971 during the early Golden Age of 6×6 amphibious all-terrain vehicles that came to prominence in the U.S. in the early 1970’s. WNYATVA, also known as the “Ribits Riders” club, is believed to be one of the longest active running ATV clubs in the U.S., if not the world! The club generally has dozens of active members who participate in scheduled ATV rides and events throughout the year, except for a pause in the cold western New York winters…

The first Ribits Riders event of the 2022 season was the popular annual Spring Egg Hunt in Lockport, NY, held at the wooded property of longtime club member Dan Rupp. This beloved club event involves a tradition of hiding candy-filled plastic Easter eggs in the woods alongside long, muddy, winding trails. As club members of all ages ride in a long column, the youngest members search for the colorful eggs and hop out of their vehicles to collect them and enjoy their sweet contents!

The Egg Hunt is traditionally held some weeks after the official Easter holiday, since Easter in Western New York usually falls within the last grips of Old Man Winter and can make for a cold ride! This means the Egg Hunt is the official awakening of Spring for the Ribits Riders and the kickoff to another wonder-filled riding season!

The Egg Hunt, as well as all other rides and events put on by the WNYATVA throughout the season, is generally setup to offer challenging terrain, water obstacles, and mud pits to push the skills of drivers and the capabilities of the amazing amphibious ATVs like MAX to the limit! Friendly competition usually ensues at all events, as riders of all ages take pride in making it through challenging mud pits and obstacles, with fellow riders cheering and applauding as each vehicle makes it through!

Galen thoroughly enjoyed the 2022 Egg Hunt (seen in the photo attacking a mud hole at a speed higher than necessary in the yellow MAX!) and passed out free MAX T-Shirts courtesy of MAX ATVs. Company CEO, Andrew Lapp, will be attending future WNYATVA events by travelling by motorhome up from corporate headquarters in Sarasota, FL.
The club portrait photo shows the vehicle and member turnout with Galen (White shirt. Yes he wore white, and managed to stay clean until he started to have too much fun speeding into the mud holes!) standing next to the club officers. Shanna Griffin, club President, is standing in the center. Galen would like to thank the Griffin family for bringing extra MAX vehicles for him to drive.

As MAX continues to advance toward new vehicle production launch, the company will provide increasing support to the WNYATVA and intends to help the club grow in membership. With the MAX production facility once again being planned for location in Western New York (where the Ribits Riders say it belongs!) the two organizations will energize each other with ideas, mutual support, and most importantly, a fun future for all involved in the world of MAX amphibious ATVs!

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