2009 MAX IV 950T (27hp Kawasaki)

VIN: 20421 Category:



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WEIGHT (APPROX.) 805 pounds
GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT 1605 pounds (includes passengers, cargo & accessories
GROSS WEIGHT IN WATER 1305 pounds (includes passengers, cargo & accessories)
LENGTH 96 inches
WIDTH 56 inches
HEIGHT 42 inches
WHEELBASE 58 inches
SEATING 4 persons
FUEL CAPACITY 5 U.S. gallons
TRANSMISSION T-20 Skid Steer Non-Differential
DRIVE CHAIN 530 O-ring
AXLES 1-1/4 inch heavy-duty steel

This low hour 2009 MAX IV 950T is a rare find and only has 81 hours since new! This MAX IV will move at 25mph on land and 6mph in the water with its original Kawasaki 27hp liquid-cooled engine. This vehicle includes the following factory original accessories:

• Roll Cage w/ Seat Belts
• Winch Package with 2,500 lb. Warn Winch
• Windshield (ready to add a MAX canvas top!)
• Upgraded 26″ Tires for higher ground clearance and amazing water speed
• Heated Throttle Cable

Interested in adding additional accessories? Here’s what we have available:

• Factory Rear Cargo Carrier – USED ($650.00)
• Factory Canvas Enclosure – NEW (Regular price $1,299 but discounted to $1,000 if purchased with this vehicle (installation included)

Vehicle must be picked up at the factory in Bradenton, Florida, USA. We also offer shipping anywhere in the world. Contact us for a freight quote.

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